enver yurtsever
Welcome To My Portfolio!

Enver Yurtsever
Full Stack Web Developer & Web Designer

In Izmir, Turkey

What I Do?

My skills and what you can do you can see here


Beautifully designed websites designed to make an impact and made with an attention to detail

UX Design

User experience design is all about striving to make them answer “Yes” to all of those questions.


Front-end development, Back-end development and Mobile development.

My Works

Below you can see some of my professional work done

Santaş İzolasyon Santaş İzolasyon
interas İnteras Aacademy
Consullent Consullent
Akkoca Tavukçuluk Akkoca Tavukçuluk
İzlemnet İzlemnet Araç Takip
Tepe Butik Hotel Tepe Butik Hotel
Hedef Metal Hedef Metal
Efirmalar Firma Rehberi Efirmalar

Contact Me

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majori believable.
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